Boat Safety begins not with oars, but with determination and courage. Each vessel, port and starboard, must be deemed seaworthy. Each sailor in aforementioned vessels employ must be judged by a court of the deep seas as being buoyant and intrepid. For every barnacle accounted, there must be a jib, pulley, and aft. When the nigh winds howl at ye wooden leg, a boat safety expert must welome them not with merely a grimace, but a defiant scowl, your good eye glistening with the grit of the anticipation of battle. To safely maneuver a boat from one channel to another strait, from these waters to those shores, from bay to bight to tomorrow’s evanescent anchorage, a true practitioner of boat safety must muster an unparalleled depth of knowledge of all things life preserver, choke, and mast. Unto each sail, may ye flap in safe waters, and unto each mooring may ye sway in safe harbor, for where the creed of boat safety travels, thereunto all men shall be safe boating.
Latke Press Sandwich
Latke Press Sandwich from Boat Safety Films on Vimeo.
Meet a sandwich so enthralling that your mouth will send you a bottle of ’63 Alsace Pinot Blanc and an hour long private massage as a thoughtful but hardly representative thank you.
Taste a sandwich so luxurious that your teeth will chatter amongst themselves hours later about the succulent and emotional flavors that passed between them. Love a sandwich like you’ve never understood food before.